Justin will be spending the next two years serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. He will be serving in the Chile, Osorno mission and teaching the people of Osorno the gospel. He will spend two months in Mexico City at the Missionary Training Center learning Spanish and being trained as a missionary. In mid August he will leave Mexico and head to Chile. We will be using this blog to post weekly emails and pictures from Justin and to keep you all updated on Justin's adventures in Chile!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hey Y'all

Hey y'all!

So 16 days down already, not going to lie feels like i have been at the MTC forever! I cant even really remmeber my life before hahaha!
This week was good! the best days here are Sundays tuesdays and thrusdays!
Sundays are awesome because it is so spiritual and we just have so many great lessons and learn so much! This past sunday we always have a devotional and we got to hear and old talk from 2 years ago from president Holland! it was so awesome he talked about missionary work and he just had such fire in his eyes and heart and he just was telling us how awesome it was that what we are doing is true and how amazing it is! It got me so pumped up i just wanted to get up and leave for chile to go teach people!
Tuesdays are great because Tuesdays we have a devotional but before that, get this....... They give us COSTCO PIZZA FOR DINNER!!! some of you might think that is pretty lame, but i will tell ya what, its the best thing ever hahahaha!
Then thursdays here are great because it is P-Day! so we do laundry and then we played a lot of ball, yall are gonna see how i still have a little bit of bounce! im gonna try to send a video (but shhhh they say no dunking here:)) haha but me and elder Asay were kinda throwing down! he throws some good lobs too hahaha! 
So i bet you guys all think its super hot here, but its not the weather is awesome everyday and then at night it just starts storming out of no where!!!!
So spanish has been going pretty well, im learning a lot each day! hahaha one of the elders in our dorm is from OSORNO Chile and he is going to mexico, he can speak a little bit of english but he told me and elder thomas that the spanish is way different there in Chile then in Mexico! so that should be interesting but i seriously cant wait!
We teach two different people lessons everyday, the tough part its pretty funny and jake and davin probably know what im saying but you can only really talk to people about gospel stuff, like different lessons, hahahahhaa but once they start talking about life and the world and just stuff thats going on we have no idea what they are saying, its so awesome!!!!
We also started this thing that we are gonna start doing everyday called TRC where members or non members or inactive members from the ward come in to the MTC and we give them a lesson, it went really good yesterday and we tried to talked to them about stuff of the world in spanish and we are trying and getting better! I definitley am feeling you guys prayers and thoughts towards me! they are helping me everyday while i am gone and they strengthen me so much you have no idea! so please keep it up!
Well Tuesday was a also a great day! wanna know why! cause my mommy loves me!!!!!! she sent me donuts and soda and i felt so loved and cool, (hahahah thanks for helping jess and whoever did other sisters i love yall)
The donuts were really good hahahah so thanks yall!!
I am having a good time and dad i am doing my "Largaritas" everynight so dont you worry!!!!! The MTC is fun! every wednesday a huge new group of people come in and it is weird to think that was me a little over two weeks ago, i cannnot believe it! it feels like so long ago! I got sent a really good quote by jessica who has always been the person we send motivational quotes to and spiritual quotes about Christ to! The quote is something that will stick with me for my whole mission and probably the rest of my life and when any of you are having a tough time I hope you remmeber it! "Life is not to be endured, Life is to be enjoyed" 
Very simple but it really says a lot! Whenever you have a tough time or maybe just even a small problem, pray to your heavenly father he is there and wants you to speak to him! 
One of my MTC teachers here told me that he one night went home and prayed for 4 hours about his girlfriend who wasnt a member! he said he felt God touch his life and he could feel the answer! The next week she got baptized and then they ended up getting married, prayer is essential in this life!
I want you all to know i am just having so much fun with my district! these guys are awesome, we pray, study, laugh, just have a good time about everything! They strengthen my testimony everyday! A mission is full of ups and downs even in the MTC bu these guys are awesome and i know that through prayer you will recieve an answer!!!
Oh also my MTC teacher Hermano Teraazas is awesome! he is a great teacher and i learn so much from him!
I have been called of God and where i am at and where i am going is through revelation from God and i know that with all my heart! If you have any doubts i want you all to go and look up Elder Holland mormon messages or talks, and try and tell me you dont just think that is incredibley awesome!!
I love you all!!! keep me in your prayers! i know i pray about each and everyone of you multiple times a day! I love you all, Remember who you are 

love, Elder Wertner:)

Here is the video i hope it sends! we didnt get the thru the legs on video so i guess we will just have to wait until next week! 
Then here is a picture of me, Elder Asay and Elder braddock! The three tallest guys in the dirstict hahaha! Elder braddock is going to chile as well and elder is asay is going to boston!
Then there is a picture of a mountain , the MTC use to be a school so the B is for whatever Name it was called i forgot! 
Then there is a pic of when i got my krispy kreme donuts! you have no idea how happy i was Mom and Jess (Thanks dad hahaha) 

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